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Wyoming Nursing Colleges

8 Colleges
$12,315 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)
$18,874 Avg 4-Year Student Loan

In terms of yearly nursing graduations, Wyoming is ranked #50 in the country with 397 degrees handed out in 2021. Students who are able to take advantage of in-state tuition will only pay an average of $3,079 per year to get their degree at a college in Wyoming, while out of state students will pay an average of $9,791 per year.

About 21% of students who go to college in this state take out loans, with the average yearly loan amount being $4,718 per year.

Learn more about the most popular schools below:


University of Wyoming

Laramie, Wyoming
Public Public vs. Private
$5,625 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
28% Freshmen Loans

There are 9,342 undergraduates at UW, of which 7,783 are full-time, and there are 11,829 students altogether. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at UW is 4.6 years.

Around 97% of students who apply get accepted. Around 49% of accepted students are men, and 51% are women.

Roughly 28% of students at UW take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $7,096 a year. The student loan default rate of 0.9% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from UW with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $45,879 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Laramie County Community College

Cheyenne, Wyoming
Public Public vs. Private
$4,613 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
26% Freshmen Loans

There are 1,404 full-time undergraduates at LCCC, and 3,838 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 14 to 1.

Approximately 26% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The typical student loan amount is $4,483 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 4.4% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from LCCC is $34,318.

Public Public vs. Private
$4,830 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
23% Freshmen Loans

There are 3,741 students at Northern Wyoming Community College District in total, 1,245 are full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 17 to 1.

Approximately 23% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $4,460 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 4.7% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

Students who graduate from Northern Wyoming Community College District with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $33,772 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Western Wyoming Community College

Rock Springs, Wyoming
Public Public vs. Private
$3,600 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
22% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Western Wyoming Community College is 2,776, which includes 918 full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 11 to 1.

22% of WWCC students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $3,550 a year. WWCC has a 5.8% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $34,848 during the early-career years.


Casper College

Casper, Wyoming
Public Public vs. Private
$3,528 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
21% Freshmen Loans

There are 1,558 full-time undergraduates at Casper College, and 3,551 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 14 to 1.

Roughly 21% of students at Casper College take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $4,498 a year. The student loan default rate of 3.9% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $35,025 during the early-career years.


Central Wyoming College

Riverton, Wyoming
Public Public vs. Private
$4,680 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
17% Freshmen Loans

There are 590 full-time undergraduates at CWC, and 1,755 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 13 to 1.

Approximately 17% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The typical student loan amount is $4,153 a year. The student loan default rate of 1.9% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from CWC with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $30,843 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Northwest College

Powell, Wyoming
Public Public vs. Private
$4,862 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
17% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Northwest College is 1,438, which includes 687 full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 14 to 1.

Roughly 17% of students at Northwest Community College take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $5,693 a year. Northwest Community College has a 6.4% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Northwest Community College is $30,483.


Eastern Wyoming College

Torrington, Wyoming
Public Public vs. Private
$4,290 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
16% Freshmen Loans

There are 1,430 students at Eastern Wyoming College in total, 506 are full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 17 to 1.

16% of Eastern Wyoming College students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $3,814 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 2.9% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Eastern Wyoming College is $30,258.


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