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Colorado Nursing Colleges

26 Colleges
$34,735 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)
$23,451 Avg 4-Year Student Loan

Colorado ranked #19 in the nation for nursing degrees handed out in 2021. Around 6,496 students received some type of diploma that year. Students who are able to take advantage of in-state tuition will only pay an average of $8,684 per year to get their degree at a college in Colorado, while out of state students will pay an average of $15,764 per year.

An estimated 42% of college students in Colorado take out loans, with the average loan amount being $5,863 per year.

Learn more about the most popular schools below:


Aspen University

Phoenix, Arizona
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$6,500 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
53% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Aspen University is 9,563, of which 6,399 students are undergraduates and of those, 2,238 are full-time. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 9 to 1.

53% of Aspen University students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $4,462 a year. Aspen University has a 0.4% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

Public Public vs. Private
$9,634 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
29% Freshmen Loans

There are 24,723 students at CU Anschutz in total, 14,994 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 8,622 are full-time. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at CU Anschutz is 4.7 years.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 72%. Of the accepted students, 37% are men and 63% are women.

29% of CU Anschutz students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $6,546 a year. The student loan default rate of 0.9% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from CU Anschutz is $51,907.


Denver College of Nursing

Denver, Colorado
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$12,414 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 1,042 students at Denver College of Nursing in total, 1,022 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 1,022 are full-time. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 16 to 1.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $70,862 during the early-career years.


Regis University

Denver, Colorado
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$42,220 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
48% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Regis University is 6,310, of which 3,197 students are undergraduates and of those, 2,090 are full-time. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at Regis U is 4.2 years.

About 81% of students who apply get accepted. Of the accepted students, 31% are men and 69% are women.

48% of Regis U students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $8,077 a year. Regis U has a 0.7% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Regis U is $60,613.


University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$12,380 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
36% Freshmen Loans

There are 12,380 students at UCCS in total, 10,288 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 7,782 are full-time. For undergraduates at UCCS, the average graduation time is 4.6 years.

Around 95% of students who apply get accepted. Of the accepted students, 39% are men and 61% are women.

Roughly 36% of students at UCCS take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $7,917 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 1.4% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from UCCS is $44,019.


University of Northern Colorado

Greeley, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$10,769 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
50% Freshmen Loans

There are 8,494 undergraduates at University of Northern Colorado, of which 6,726 are full-time, and there are 11,460 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 14 to 1.

Around 91% of students who apply get accepted. Of the accepted students, 32% are men and 68% are women.

Approximately 50% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $6,103 a year. The student loan default rate of 0.9% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from University of Northern Colorado with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $41,450 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Colorado Mesa University

Grand Junction, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$9,297 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
43% Freshmen Loans

There are 8,945 undergraduates at Colorado Mesa, of which 6,857 are full-time, and there are 9,110 students altogether. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at Colorado Mesa is 4.6 years.

About 80% of students who apply get accepted. Around 40% of accepted students are men, and 60% are women.

43% of Colorado Mesa students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $5,923 a year. Colorado Mesa has a 3.4% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

Students who graduate from Colorado Mesa with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $36,748 during the early years of their career after graduation.

Public Public vs. Private
$9,245 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
83% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Colorado State University - Pueblo is 5,925, of which 4,113 students are undergraduates and of those, 2,798 are full-time. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 15 to 1.

Around 99% of students who apply get accepted. Of the accepted students, 46% are men and 54% are women.

Roughly 83% of students at Colorado State University - Pueblo take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $5,265 a year. The student loan default rate of 3.1% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from Colorado State University - Pueblo with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $44,071 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Pueblo Community College

Pueblo, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$4,626 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
37% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Pueblo Community College is 5,551, which includes 1,598 full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 18 to 1.

Approximately 37% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The typical student loan amount is $3,728 a year. The student loan default rate of 3.9% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from Pueblo Community College with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $30,801 during the early years of their career after graduation.

Public Public vs. Private
$10,260 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
58% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Metropolitan State University of Denver is 19,086, of which 17,988 students are undergraduates and of those, 11,134 are full-time. It takes the average MSU Denver undergraduate about 4.9 years to complete their degree.

Around 89% of students who apply get accepted. Around 39% of accepted students are men, and 61% are women.

Roughly 58% of students at MSU Denver take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $5,464 a year. The student loan default rate of 2.8% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $42,819 during the early-career years.


Front Range Community College

Westminster, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$4,126 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
24% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Front Range Community College is 18,703, which includes 4,531 full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 18 to 1.

Roughly 24% of students at FRCC take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $5,217 a year. FRCC has a 2.7% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from FRCC is $36,983.


Colorado Christian University

Lakewood, Colorado
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$26,846 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
49% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Colorado Christian University is 7,839, of which 6,661 students are undergraduates and of those, 1,704 are full-time. It takes the average CCU undergraduate about 4.2 years to complete their degree.

49% of CCU students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $8,120 a year. The student loan default rate of 2.2% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from CCU with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $38,696 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Pikes Peak Community College

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$4,065 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
19% Freshmen Loans

There are 4,394 full-time undergraduates at PPCC, and 12,506 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 20 to 1.

Approximately 19% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $3,706 a year. The student loan default rate of 3.1% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from PPCC is $32,900.


Colorado Mountain College

Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$4,980 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
35% Freshmen Loans

There are 5,315 students at Colorado Mountain College in total, 1,422 are full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 13 to 1.

35% of Colorado Mountain College students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $5,886 a year. The student loan default rate of 2.3% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $35,072 during the early-career years.


Otero Junior College

La Junta, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$4,226 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
29% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Otero Junior College is 1,216, which includes 528 full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 18 to 1.

Roughly 29% of students at Otero JC take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $5,410 a year. Otero JC has a 3.3% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Otero JC is $30,948.


Platt College - Aurora

Greenwood Village, Colorado
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$20,590 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
86% Freshmen Loans

There are 227 students at Platt College - Aurora in total, 227 are full-time undergraduates. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at Platt College - Aurora is 4.0 years.

About 58% of students who apply get accepted.

Approximately 86% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The typical student loan amount is $9,732 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 4.7% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Platt College - Aurora is $69,202.


Arapahoe Community College

Littleton, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$4,080 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
21% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Arapahoe Community College is 12,001, which includes 2,065 full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 22 to 1.

21% of Arapahoe Community College students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $4,999 a year. Arapahoe Community College has a 3.2% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

Students who graduate from Arapahoe Community College with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $39,530 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Trinidad State Junior College

Trinidad, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$5,240 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
15% Freshmen Loans

There are 687 full-time undergraduates at Trinidad State Junior College, and 1,404 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 12 to 1.

Roughly 15% of students at Trinidad State Junior College take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $5,866 a year. The student loan default rate of 3.4% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from Trinidad State Junior College with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $30,300 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Morgan Community College

Fort Morgan, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$3,930 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
14% Freshmen Loans

There are 1,376 students at Morgan Community College in total, 334 are full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 12 to 1.

14% of Morgan Community College students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $3,629 a year. The student loan default rate of 2.5% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from Morgan Community College with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $35,518 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Aims Community College

Greeley, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$2,954 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
14% Freshmen Loans

There are 1,707 full-time undergraduates at Aims Community College, and 5,981 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 17 to 1.

Roughly 14% of students at Aims Community College take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $6,296 a year. Aims Community College has a 2.7% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

Students who graduate from Aims Community College with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $35,705 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Northeastern Junior College

Sterling, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$5,345 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
40% Freshmen Loans

There are 1,293 students at NJC in total, 692 are full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 17 to 1.

Approximately 40% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $5,142 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 2.3% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $35,063 during the early-career years.

Public Public vs. Private
$4,236 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
35% Freshmen Loans

The total student population at Colorado Northwestern Community College is 993, which includes 431 full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 14 to 1.

Approximately 35% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $5,085 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 3.8% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $36,832 during the early-career years.


Lamar Community College

Lamar, Colorado
Public Public vs. Private
$4,216 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State
31% Freshmen Loans

There are 723 students at LCC in total, 374 are full-time undergraduates. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 15 to 1.

Roughly 31% of students at LCC take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $4,972 a year. The student loan default rate of 6.3% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from LCC is $32,079.

Other Colorado Colleges

Rank School Yearly Graduations
26 Adams State University 14


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